New Arctic Oil & Gas Map

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Press Release on 27/04/2011

Infield Systems Launches New Arctic Oil & Gas Map At The Offshore Technology Conference

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Infield Systems Ltd is pleased to announce the publication of their latest offshore oil and gas map - The Infield Arctic Frontiers Oil & Gas Map To 2017 which is to be launched at the Offshore Technology Conference being held in Houston, Texas. This new map has been developed using Infield Systems' propriety databases, market forecasting models and mapping systems as well as being supplemented with information from other organisations including: International Boundaries Research Unit, Durham University, UK, The University of Lapland Arctic Centre, Finland and the National Snow and Ice Data Centre, Boulder USA.

The Infield Arctic Frontiers Oil & Gas Map is unique in that it highlights the Arctic's existing offshore oil and gas developments, but also those projects which are being planned or considered for development from today through to 2017. The future projects are set out in map insets which detail all future oil and gas fields, fixed platforms, floating production systems and pipelines. Map insets are provided for Alaska (Beaufort Sea and Cook Inlet); Canada (Beaufort Sea and Jeanne D'Arc Basin Eastern Canada); Norway (Barents Sea); and Russia (Sakhalin Island). . The map insets supplements the base map image of existing offshore oil and gas fields and facilities, full colour land satellite image, coastlines, cities, ports and onshore terminals, bathymetry, licence blocks and operator status and remote future fields and pipelines.

Additional supplementary information is provided on: maritime jurisdiction and boundaries, areas of high radiation, the Arctic hydrocarbon basins, seasonal Arctic ice coverage, shipping lanes, supply, support and research bases and heliports.

Key information about capital expenditure forecasts in offshore oil and gas in the Arctic area is also provided. These forecasts have been developed using Infield Systems' OFFPEX Market Modelling and Forecasting System. An overall forecast for the Arctic is provided with individual CAPEX expenditure on subsea equipment, drilling and completion, fixed platforms, floating production systems and pipelines. A forecast for vessel utilisation (vessel days) is also provided.

The map can either be purchased directly from or is available free of charge to all visitors to the Infield Booth 9329 at the Offshore Technology Conference, whilst stocks last. Free distribution will also be available at Offshore Europe, Offshore Northern Seas, Subsea Aberdeen, Subsea Europe, Subsea Tie Backs and the Arctic Technology Conference.

For more information please contact:

Quentin D'A Whitfield
Infield Systems Limited
Suite 502, 1 Alie Street
London E1 8DE
United Kingdom

T: +44 20 7423 5000
F: +44 20 7423 5050
C: +44 7768 570 850

Offshore Technology Conference Booth Number: 9329