Infield's latest Floating Production Systems report to 2021 is now available to purchase. Delivered through a unique and an easily navigable online platform, with a download option, this product offering utilises Infield's comprehensive modelling and forecasting database OFFPEX combined with expert analysis.
The report can be purchased as a one-off open user licence, or to stay up-to-date with the latest changes across the sector, a quarterly subscription option is also available and highly recommended. Reports can be purchased from the Infield Shop in GBP, USD or Euros.
In the last two years the offshore sector has undergone an extremely challenging period and the Floating Production Systems (FPS) market has been no exception to this. The Floating Production Systems Report to 2021 highlights Infield's forecast trends within the sector over the five year timeframe from 2017; the regions, countries and operators driving capex demand, recent contract awards taking place and the prevailing challenges to development in the sector. The leading manufacturers active within the sector are also examined, whilst specific trends within the new build and conversion segments of the market are also presented.