Floating Production Systems Conference 2006
London December 2006
This year's event will provide a truly global view of today's floating production systems markets. As well as reviewing the traditional FPS regions of the North Sea, Brazil, Gulf of Mexico and West Africa, the 2006 event will provide an insight into the emerging regions of Offshore China, India and Australia. What role will these new players take on in world Floating Production and how will they impact the world's floating production business. Innovations in technology will be instrumental in driving the Floating Production market forward and opening up 'challenging regions' for future development. In its 21st year as the leading conference and exhibition for the floating production industry, the event will focus on the commercial and technical challenges of offshore oil production and associated gas.
Infield Systems's Analytical Services Director will give a presentation of the current World Floating Production market and likely trends over the next five years.
A truly global view of today's floating production markets providing an insight into
the commercial opportunities
current activities
future development plans
innovative technology solution |